Come through for some great deals on quality used gear!
If you wish to participate in the swap on November 23rd and 24th, bring the gear in the week leading up to the sale, which is November 18th-22nd. We do accept items to be placed into the swap on Saturday morning but we very strongly encourage you to get your gear in before then. Clean gear also sells better! If you want to see your items sell, it is in your best interest to make sure everything is clean and in good shape before bringing it by the shop. If your gear sells, you can either choose to get 70% of the amount it sold for as a check, or 100% of it as store credit.
Rules for item submissions are as follows:
- No more than 18 items per person.
This one's a big one. We don't want to get completely inundated with old gear, so we're capping swap submissions at 18 items.
- No clothing items that come into direct contact with skin.
This means no goggles, no baselayers, no gloves, no socks, no neck gaiters, etc. Jackets/outerwear and helmets are still ok.
- No non wintersports-specific items.
That means no generic hiking boots or snow boots, no mountain bike gear, no sleds - winter outerwear is fine, but we'd prefer all other gear to be specific to skiing or snowboarding.
- Swap submissions not picked up by Wednesday after the event will be donated or disposed of.
We have very limited storage space, so swap items must be picked up before the deadline. If you'd like to donate any items that don't sell, just let us know when you submit them and we'll get them marked as such, but if you want them back, plan to come back through and pick them up on or before the Wednesday after the swap.
- The seller has the final say on item pricing.
We'll do our best to recommend prices for your items based on the prices of other items in the swap and our personal experience with used gear, but you will always have the final say on how much you want us to list it for.
Employees from Loveland Ski Area will be here for both events, and employees from Monarch Mountain will be here for the October swap. They'll both be selling 4-packs at an event-exclusive discount, as well as individual tickets, season passes, and pass cards.
The fun starts at 9 AM each day and goes until 5 PM - hope to see you there!
Saturday, June 29th
This sale is for summer/water sport gear only! Windsurf and Paddle board gear is the most common.
Come through for some great deals on quality used gear!
If you wish to participate in the sale, bring the gear you want to sell in the week leading up to the swap, which will be June 24th-28th. We do accept items to be placed into the swap on Saturday morning but we very strongly encourage you to get your gear in before then. Clean gear also sells better! If you want to see your items sell, it is in your best interest to make sure everything is clean and in good shape before bringing it by the shop. If you haven’t used the equipment in the last 10 years, chances are no one else will! If your gear sells, you can either choose to get 70% of the amount it sold for as a check, or 100% of it as store credit.
Rules for item submissions are as follows:
- No more than 18 items per person.
This one's a big one. We don't want to get completely inundated with old gear, so we're capping swap submissions at 18 items.
- Clothing items that come into direct contact with skin (Wetsuits) – MUST BE WASHED
- No Single-Piece masts will be allowed this year
- Swap submissions not picked up by Wednesday after the event will be donated or disposed of.
We have very limited storage space, so swap items must be picked up before the deadline. If you'd like to donate any items that don't sell, just let us know when you submit them and we'll get them marked as such, but if you want them back, plan to come back through and pick them up on or before the Wednesday after the swap.
- The seller has the final say on item pricing.
We'll do our best to recommend prices for your items based on the prices of other items in the swap and our personal experience with used gear, but you will always have the final say on how much you want us to list it for.
The fun starts at 9 AM and goes until 5 PM - hope to see you there!